Archive for medicine

Medicare vs. Religion

Posted in church and state with tags , , , , , , , on December 21, 2008 by scatheist

img_0050My father is a chronic pain sufferer.  He is 69 years old and has undergone a heart attack, triple bypass surgery, high blood pressure and cholesterol, a detached retina, and now he can’t walk for more than a few minutes without being in severe pain.  He has a complete pharmacy in his medicine cabinet. He is on Medicare and Medicaid and recently I took him to Pain Management Associates at 15 Park Creek Dr.  Near Greenville Memorial Hospital.  This is one of the only Pain Management places in

Greenville and this is where his personal physician referred him.  This place really wanted every one who came their to realize that these doctors put their faith in the lord and if you want to be pain free, you better do it too.

I don’t have a img_0051problem with a private business displaying whatever they want to on their own property, but when they are graciously excepting our tax dollars to treat patients, does this violate the the separation of church and state?  I don’t know?  I have to think on it more and maybe read some case law but it seems to me that if my father is on government assistance and their is not a secular choice for his pain management, then the religious imagery should be taken down.  On top of that, what the fuck are these doctors trying to say?  That medicine doesn’t matter?  Faith will cure your pain?  If that’s the case, my father’s personal physician should have referred him to church.